A Debian Developer's Lament: The Devil is in the Details

Debian migration to 'Jessie' with systemd:  The Devil is in the details. I have been warning users of Debian that this scenario would happen. It's now incumbent on the Debian Community to fulfill their next major revision, 'Jessie' and the foregone decision was made...

Microsofts Proprietary Ways No More


CIA Torture Report Ties Cheney/Bout to 9/11 Nukes

Please share this breaking story with as many people as you can.   Thank you. -- Dietrich Source...

Gordon Duff, NEO 1-4-15… “CIA Torture Report Incriminates Dick Cheney”

#signalboost qq/ This is the major article mentioned in this earlier post from VT Radio (Coming Soon: Major Information regarding Dick Cheney involvement in 9-11… Gordon Duff: “We Have Everything”). It does not disappoint. Here are a few highlights. “Information received this...