I'm Back

by Dietrich Schmitz

I'm back.  With a move in December 2013, I had to shutdown my self-managed server for my professional website domain dtschmitz.com.

After doing some research during January, I have chosen to switch from self-managed (Plone) to Blogger integrated with Google Apps for Domains.

I've had Google Apps for Domains for several years and now I find it most appropriate to use Blogger since it is integrated in Google Apps for my domain.

This greatly simplifies things for me and in today's world, I'd rather not be self-managing my website.  I'm happy to manage others' websites but this is doing the trick for me now.

The template I've chosen most closely parallels my Plone template -- rather spartan and minimal -- the way I like it.

So, there you have it.  I'll be posting intermittently here when not writing for Linux Advocates.

-- Dietrich
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