Remembering 9/11: A Hideous Evil Grand Fraud
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9/11 World Trade Center Twin Towers with Jet Approaching in Background - Credit: Getty Images |
Today is the anniversary of 9/11. These numbers have been etched into the memories of those who remember the infamous day when the World Trade Center Towers collapsed and some 3,000 Americans perished.
I remember being at my desk at Jacobsen Hall acting in a Healthcare IT Analyst capacity at SUNY Upstate Medical University along with Mary Gross and Tim Ezzo my department colleagues.
Needless to say, I, and anyone else who tuned into Mainstream Media, recall the replayed loop of the Flight 175 commercial jet impacting the South Trade Tower. CNN in particular seemed to have access to the footage first. It was a video segment that sits along side those significant history making moments in my brain as it was shown on the airwaves.
The narrative which ultimately played out soon revealed an evil plan hatched and executed by 19 Saudi Arabian armed with box cutters was to become 'fact' as part of the 9/11 Commission Report with some 28 redacted pages order by then President George W. Bush (43).
So, reflecting on that hideous event, I, having done my own extensive research have reached a different conclusion as to what the real story is as to what caused the WTC twin towers and adjacent WTC7 to drop in place demolition-style free-falling at the speed of gravity. Yes, I know, you're thinking here we go, yet another conspiracy theorist 'wing-nut'. I prefer to think of myself as being a critical thinker. Yes, I question everything, including authority figures and have discovered through my life going into retirement that we live in a World filled with False Flag deception and blatant lies which for the most part have been accepted through what the CIA calls 'Perception Management'.
Have you heard the phrase?: Perception is reality.
That's pretty much what we humans do. When Mainstream Media (MSM) fills the airwaves repeating a story with video imagery to reinforce a narrative, it is that repetition ad. infinitum that molds our 'perception'. It is now understood that the CIA no longer secret 'Mocking Bird' project worked and works with MSM to concoct 'cover stories' to hide the truth from the general public.
Does that seem outrageous to you? Well, it should. Every day Americans who tune into CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS are fed fake stories interwoven with facts so as to make the unwary become open to accepting their narratives. Is all news Fake? No. But be assured much of viewer content is.
So, you are suspicious of my motives. Maybe a few links will help you grasp that you are truly a victim of deception, and in the case of 9/11, a grand deception has been perpetrated upon the masses who accept the false narrative that 19 Saudi Arabians hatched such a devious and evil plan.
Here is a first of two links to the most recent research done by two highly reputable German scientists, who have accumulated much data and reached their own independent conclusion, which I have known about for years, that 9/11 was a nuclear warhead demolition.
Did you catch that word 'nuclear'? Does that seem far-fetched? Is your cognitive dissonance bell ringing to alert you to another conspiracy theory? I understand. After all, you have had a differing narrative driven home by MSM (cough Mocking Bird) that is fully seated in your memory as though it were real and actual fact.
If one sets one's pride aside, leaves open the possibility that fraud and deception are possible, it is then easier to understand why I have gone to the trouble of writing this necessarily verbose post.
I have many other resources to draw upon but feel that furnishing one or two exhibits should suffice for the 'open-minded' to begin to see how the deception was created.
Necessarily, the first link to the scientists' story is long but will be sufficient to cause a shift in thinking. These good scientists are placing their reputations on the line. Ask why? Can it be they are right that 9/11 was a nuclear demolition? Absolutely.
And here, the second source I am providing as evidence is a copy of a video I know Youtube would have taken down that is self-explanatory that takes about 5-10 minutes of your viewing time. This is a link to my Google Drive and it is shareable to anyone with whom you wish to share.
The video was produced by German journalists on the scene of 9/11 at the time of the collapse who witnessed the entire event by recording it to video from their own independent helicopter.
What makes this video convincing is that, time-wise, it was synchronized to a video produced by MSNBC and each is in side-by-side view fully synchronized to play what the cameras recorded.
The two videos differ by one important aspect: The German footage shows no jet impacting the South Tower whatsoever. The MSNBC view shows a jet hitting the tower.
I have other videos which conclusively show that MSM footage was 'photoshopped' to insert the imagery of the now memorable jet impact.
What does photoshopped mean? It is a term to say the video was created, then intentionally edited on a computer to such a degree as to change the viewer's perception.
So when watching the video keep the above in mind.
These two sources are, in my judgment, sufficient to stir the minds of Americans into comprehending that indeed we are being perception managed.
Conclusion: The narrative of 19 Arabs attacking on 9/11 is a fraud. Those buildings were demolished using Nuclear warheads. So you now know why so many First Responders died or are dying from cancer.
A hideous evil grand fraud. Wake up America.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the 9/11 Families who grieve for their lost ones.
God Bless America
Dietrich Schmitz, Patriot
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